
University of Pecs turns 650 years old in 2017

University of Pecs turns 650 years old in 2017

University of Pecs turns 650 years old in 2017

The celebration programs of the 650th Jubilee will be officially kicked off on November 20th , 2106. Hungary is known to be the geographical center of Europe . The city of Pecs is situated in the South Western part of the country with a high potential for serving as a regional knowledge hub

The university is known to be one of the most international in the country. The faculty of medicine has been hosting international students in the 80s  even under the very complicated conditions imposed by the realm of socialism in the country. Iranian students have been hosted at the university of Pecs since mid 80s. Today along with the German, Scandinavian and Chinese students , Iranians represent the largest number of international students studying at the university of Pecs


In 2014 the Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Pecs celebrated 25 years of collaborations with Ohio University today with a heightened focus around Entrepreneurship and Innovation capacity building. This collaboration is Ohio University's oldest international partnership. The inventor of Microsoft Excel , Philanthropist and  Honorary Doctor of the University Charles Simonyi has been a strong supporter of this collaboration 


Iranian students as well as business clients  have been participating

in the Simonyi Summer Entrepreneurship Consulting Programs


In November 2016, the Faculty of Business and Economics will be celebrating its 20th collaboration jubilee with Middlesex University of London . Honorary Doctorate Professor Abby Ghobadian, the past President  of the British Academy of Management (BAM) had a fundamental role in kick off of this collaboration.

The joint programs at the BA and MSc. levels  have hosted Iranian students from the first year 


University of Pecs in History

The history of higher education in Pécs dates back to 1367, when Louis the Great initiated the establishment of a university in the episcopal city of Pécs. As a result of an integration process of several stages, the University of Pécs was founded, which has become one of the most famous, prestigious institutions having a leading role in regional education. It has ten faculties which cover the full spectrum of high-quality higher education.







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