
Phases 20&21 Sweet Gas Output Injected to Nationwide Gas Network

Phases 20&21 Sweet Gas Output Injected to Nationwide Gas Network

Phases 20&21 Sweet Gas Output Injected to Nationwide Gas Network


TEHRAN (FNA)- Operator of the project for development of phases 20 and 21 of the South Pars gas field Ali-Reza Ebadi says the sweet gas yielded by refineries of the phases has been injected to the nationwide gas network.

Ebadi said the sour gas, received from IGAT-5 (the sour gas pipeline of phases six, seven and eight), entered the first train of the refinery facilities of phases 20 and 21 on Sunday last week and after sweetening, 80 million cubic feet per hour gas is injected and sweet gas entered the fourth nationwide network.

He said the refining unit is well-prepared to run at its full capacity and receive and sweeten gas.

He added that as more feedstock is going to be obtained from phases six to eight for delivery to the refinery of phases 20 and 21, the sweetening and injection of gas of the phases to nationwide network will rise in proportion. 

Ministry of Petroleum has given priority to the project for development of phases 20 and 21 of South Pars, targeting daily production of 50 million cubic meters of sweet gas for domestic consumption, annual recovery of one million tons of ethane gas for consumption in the petrochemical industries, annual recovery of 1,050,000 tons of high quality liquid gas for exports, daily production of 75,000 barrels of de-sulfurized and proved gas condensates for exports and daily recovery of 400 tons of sulfur for exports.


تعداد بازدید : 491
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