
Iranian, German scientists produce alumina nanoparticles

Iranian, German scientists produce alumina nanoparticles

Iranian, German scientists produce alumina nanoparticles

TEHRAN, Sep. 12 (MNA) – Iranian researchers from Isfahan University of Technology in association with their colleagues from Germany used a green laboratorial method to produce alumina nanoparticles with high purity and quality.

Alumina nanoparticles have applications in oil refinery and in controlling the production of greenhouse gases. Alumina is a ceramic that is widely used in many industrial sectors due to its reasonable production cost, good thermal stability, high specific area, high surface acidity, and noticeable interaction with metals. This material is also used in petrochemical and oil refinery processes as sorbent in adsorption and catalyst. It is very important to invent new and efficient methods to produce oxide nanoparticles such as alumina.

According to Iran Nanotechnology Initiative Council (INIC), the aim of this research was to produce alumina nanoparticles by using purified raw materials. The reaction occurs at low temperature in a short period. In addition, the production cost and environmental pollution is lower in this process than in other similar ones.

This study attempts to optimize final properties of the nanoparticle, including specific area, by using precursor with high purity and creating optimized production conditions.

Results of the research have been published in Dalton Transactions, vol. 45, issue 15, 2016, pp. 6329-6333. The article has been financially supported by Iranian National Science Foundation.


تعداد بازدید : 635
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