
More support for on-site generators

More support for on-site generators

More support for on-site generators

Iran needs more electricity and to generate it the Government provides more facilities for distributed power generators in order to encourage more contribution.

Ministry of Energy of Iran will buy the electricity generated by distributed generators at 10% higher than the current price.

There are 650 Megawatts on-site generators active in Iran where 70 Megawatts of power came into operation after March 2016.

Until the end of the Iranian fiscal year, i.e. 20 March 2016, 230 Megawatts more is expected to be added to the current capacity.

As the Government guarantees buying the produced electricity from on-site generators, an increase in price will encourage more contractors to join.
Refrence:Tehran Chamber of Commerce

تعداد بازدید : 688
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