
Iran, France to form joint knowledge-based company

Iran, France to form joint knowledge-based company

Iran, France to form joint knowledge-based company

Following international transactions conducted by Iran Aviation Technology Development Headquarter (IATDH) and in cooperation with Iranian knowledge-based companies active in aviation industry, a number of prestigious French aviation companies visited Iran.

The French companies which were active in the fields of avionic systems, airport equipment and navigation systems, were the main suppliers for Airbus, Thales, Dassault Aviation, and Alstom.

Considering the fact that Iran is situated in the heart of the massive market of the region, the two countries can participate in joint ventures to address this potential market.

The two sides have reached an agreement on France’s cooperation with Iranian firms for technology transfer, training Iranian companies to reach high-level international technologies via the catch up strategy, and then joint cooperation with the trained companies, as well as replacing old electromechanical devices with electronic ones, considering Iran’s aging aircraft fleet.

The two countries also agreed on establishing a joint venture knowledge-based company for supplying electronic products to EU countries in the European Niche Market.   

France also voiced interest in establishing a factory in Iran with full French investment as a long-term horizon.


تعداد بازدید : 549
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