
Iran Weighs Power Export to Oman via Submarine Cable

Iran Weighs Power Export to Oman via Submarine Cable

Iran Weighs Power Export to Oman via Submarine Cable

Speaking at a press conference in Tehran on Tuesday, Deputy Energy Minister Hooshang Falahatian said initial studies have been conducted on the construction of an undersea power line to export electricity to Oman.

According to the official, Tehran and Muscat have agreed to appoint a consultant to carry out the subsequent studies.

The Iranian Energy Ministry has said that the country’s priorities in electricity exports begin with the western, eastern and southern neighbors, while exports to Europe are among the long term plans.

In August, Iran’s nominal capacity to produce electricity reached 75,365 megawatts (MW) with the connection of a power plant in the southern province of Kerman to the national grid.

In November 2015, Energy Minister Hamid Chitchian said Iran was exporting around 12 billion kilowatt hours (kWh) of electricity to its neighbors each year.


تعداد بازدید : 606
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