
Industrial Manager Calls on European Companies to Seize Opportunity to Deal with Iran

Industrial Manager Calls on European Companies to Seize Opportunity to Deal with Iran

Industrial Manager Calls on European Companies to Seize Opportunity to Deal with Iran

"The ground is prepared for the European companies to take part in joint ventures with their Iranian counterparts," Production Manager of Pengg Kabel Company Gerd Pichler said on Sunday.

He noted that the big challenge for the European companies is competition with the Chinese companies.

"Despite their low-quality, the Chinese products are cheaper than their European rivals," Pichler said.

In relevant remarks in late September, Iran's President Hassan Rouhani underlined the necessity for the European governments to provide their banks and insurance companies with guarantees for cooperation with Tehran, adding that the Iranian companies should also enjoy the benefits of the nuclear deal.

"The European leaders should provide banks and insurance companies with guarantees and assurance on financial cooperation (with Iran) and our nations and companies as well as the region should enjoy the benefits of the nuclear deal," Rouhani said in a meeting with Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly meeting in New York.

Renzi, for his part, underscored that Rome seeks strengthening of all-out ties with Tehran, and said, "We are ready for any measure to bolster economic relations."

"On banking relations, the governmental Sace insurance company (Italian Export Credit Agency) is ready to provide the necessary assurances," he added.


تعداد بازدید : 638
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