
Iran Mercantile Exchange, Indian SEBI Underline Frim Will to Expand Cooperation

Iran Mercantile Exchange, Indian SEBI Underline Frim Will to Expand Cooperation

Iran Mercantile Exchange, Indian SEBI Underline Frim Will to Expand Cooperation

In a meeting with the IME officials in the Indian embassy in Tehran, Sinha underscored his organization's enthusiasm for the development of ties with the IME to share professional knowledge and experience on spot and derivatives markets.

Soltaninejad, for his part, expressed IME’s readiness to develop collaboration with the commodity exchanges of India.

The Securities and Exchange Board of India was established in 1992. SEBI is member of IOSCO’s board of directors, and the CEO of the National Stock Exchange of India has recently been elected as the Chairman of the World Federation of Exchanges.

The IME was established on September 20, 2007 in accordance with article 95 of the new la of the Securities Market of the Islamic Republic of Iran and following the merger of the agricultural and metal exchanges of Tehran. The merger marked a new chapter in Iran capital market providing endless trading opportunities for the clients in and out of the country.

Various sectors of economy and national industry benefit from the exchange operation. The IME currently offers various services, including:

Performing as the first market providing access to the initial offering of the listed commodities in the IME,

Price discovery and price making for Iran's Over the Counter (OTC), secondary markets and the end users,

Providing venue for government sales and procurement purchases,

Providing Trading platform and user interface,

Providing Clearing & Settlement services

Risk management,

Technology services,

Training and education of the market participants.


تعداد بازدید : 657
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