
Iran-Japan economic, trade conference kicks off in Tokyo

Iran-Japan economic, trade conference kicks off in Tokyo

Iran-Japan economic, trade conference kicks off in Tokyo

A large number of Iranian and Japanese businessmen are participating in the conference in Tokyo city.

Zarif arrived in Tokyo on Wednesday morning local time on the head of a high ranking politico- economic delegation for talks with Japanese senior officials.

Zarif visited India and China prior to Tokyo and it is the last and third leg of his tour.

He is scheduled to meet with his Japanese counterpart, prime minister as well as some other senior officials.

Zarif is to discuss bilateral ties and the current regional and international issues with Japanese high ranking officials.

He will deliver speech to Japan International Studies Institute as well as in an economic seminar in presence of Iranian and Japanese businessmen.

Directors from 38 big companies, 15 from knowledge-based companies and eight commercial banks as well as a number of industrialist and businessmen are accompanying Foreign Minister Zarif.


تعداد بازدید : 644
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