
Bulgaria Calls for Expanding Bilateral Ties with Iran

Bulgaria Calls for Expanding Bilateral Ties with Iran

Bulgaria Calls for Expanding Bilateral Ties with Iran

"The Bulgarian government is keen on closer political, economic and cultural relations with Iran," Polendakov said.

The Bulgarian envoy said that the Bulgarian political officials have underlined development of friendly ties with a big and strategic country like Iran in the Middle East region.

Over the past two years, Bulgarian Prime Minister visited Iran two times and seven of cabinet ministers paid visit to Iran and a lot of Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) have been signed between the two countries.

At the 18th joint economic commission meeting, which took place in last March, Iranian Minister of Road and Urban Development Abbas Akhoundi and Bulgarian Minister of Transportation signed MoUs on cooperation in the fields of industry, trade, transport, agriculture, energy, meteorology, tourism and culture.

According to the Trade Promotion Organization of Iran, trade between Iran and Bulgaria stood at around 150 million dollars last year and the two countries agreed to boost trade several times at the end of 18th joint commission.

Trade between Tehran and Sofia has been growing over the past several years and the two countries underlined creation of a transport corridor between Iran, Bulgaria, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia.


تعداد بازدید : 672
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