
Airbus, Iran Air sign final deal: 100 passenger planes on plate

Airbus, Iran Air sign final deal: 100 passenger planes on plate

Airbus, Iran Air sign final deal: 100 passenger planes on plate

Calling the hefty contract as historical, the Europe-based multinational passenger plane producer said that according to the agreement between the company and the Iran Air, Iran can securely purchase 46 planes from the A320 family class, 38 planes from the A330 family class and 16 A350 XWBs.

The first batch of the passenger aircrafts are expected to be delivered to the Islamic Republic of Iran in early 2017.

Iran Air Managing Director Farhad Parvaresh and Airbus Managing Director Fabrice Bregier signed the new contract, the report said.

In the signing ceremony, Airbus managing director said that the general contract between the Airbus and the Iran Air encompasses issues like pilot trainings and the air traffic management.


تعداد بازدید : 652
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