
Iran Attracts $7.2bln in Finance from 3 Foreign Banks

Iran Attracts $7.2bln in Finance from 3 Foreign Banks

Iran Attracts $7.2bln in Finance from 3 Foreign Banks

In a meeting between Iranian First Vice-President Eshaq Jahangiri and the CBI officials in Tehran, Gholamali Kamyab said attracting $10 billion of foreign finance has been defined as a project for the CBI in the area of Resistance Economy.

The measures taken by the CBI in this regard include extensive talks with some foreign banks, such as the Export–Import (Exim) Bank of China, Italy’s Mediobanca and Denmark’s Danske Bank, he noted.

The CBI vice governor went on to say that up to now, 72 percent of the project has been implemented.

There has been a new wave of interest in ties with Iran since Tehran and the Group 5+1 (Russia, China, the US, Britain, France and Germany) on July 14, 2015 reached a conclusion over the text of a comprehensive 159-page deal on Tehran's nuclear program and started implementing it on January 16.

The comprehensive nuclear deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), terminated all nuclear-related sanctions imposed on Iran.


تعداد بازدید : 528
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