
OLP Hungary and Int'l Partners at MCIDM

OLP Hungary and Int'l Partners at MCIDM

OLP Hungary and Int'l Partners at MCIDM

OLP Hungary and Partners at MCIDM -OLP Hungary and its international partners represented by Mr.Laszlo Karoly has agreed on a preliminary collaboration framework with EHDAS RD for entering the Iranian Solar Technologies market. OLP partners from leading Chinese,German and UK based companies enjoy extensive experience in environments with high risk and complexity. Recent projects have been handed over in Chile,Algeria and Egypt
Mr.Karoly has proposed FDI and co-investment packages in order to further fall in line with the development strategies envisioned by EHDAS RD .
The preliminary proposal had been regarding a 200 megawatt solar plant in central Iran. However ,the observed vast potential for expansion in this region and OLP capacities for projects as large as 21,000 megawatts a shift to a more strategic collaboration design has been considered. The project idea will be headed by Mr.Eng.Kazem Sammak at the upcoming MCIDM co-creation platform September 27th and 29th.The financial think tank of EHDAS RD headed by Mr.Eng.Moghaddam have been informed about the pre-planning activities.
The business development partner of the project is Breakthrough Co Ltd Hungary. The partnership may serve as an important model and benchmark in the field of co-financing EHDAS RD affiliate projects in Iran and abroad

تعداد بازدید : 783
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