
Iran to hold 16th Intl. Conf. of Iranian Aerospace Society

Iran to hold 16th Intl. Conf. of Iranian Aerospace Society

Iran to hold 16th Intl. Conf. of Iranian Aerospace Society

Hosted by Civil Aviation Technology College, the conference has been organized to provide technical and scientific forum for academics, experts, researchers and industrial leaders and other related organizations working in the field of aerospace engineering and technology to take the opportunity to communicate, share and discuss ideas, innovative concepts and the latest findings and technical solutions in the aerospace and aviation domain.

The 16th edition of the conference will focus on a wide range of topics including aerodynamics (experimental, analytical numerical aerodynamics, …); propulsion (gas dynamics, fuel and combustion, turbomachinery, …); aviation; flight mechanics, stability and control; aerospace structures; aerospace systems design management; exploitation in aerospace & aviation field; and space science and technology.

Established in 1950, Civil Aviation Technology College is the pioneering center in the field of civil aviation Training in Iran. Currently the college offers training at both associate and undergraduate level in the fields of Air-traffic control, Aircraft Maintenance, Electronic and Telecommunication. 


تعداد بازدید : 460
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