
Iran Ready for Strong Presence in Iraq, Afghanistan ICT Markets

Iran Ready for Strong Presence in Iraq, Afghanistan ICT Markets

Iran Ready for Strong Presence in Iraq, Afghanistan ICT Markets

Iran has great capacities and capabilities in the area of ICT, Gholam Hossein Shafe’ei said in a meeting with economic activists in Tehran on Monday, with Minister of Communications and Information Technology Mahmoud Vaezi in attendance.

Referring to regional countries’ needs in the field, he expressed the hope that Iran’s private sector would play a more active role in the ICT markets of these countries.

The private sector can dominate the ICT markets of Iraq, Afghanistan and some Central Asian countries, he said.

Iran has made great progress in the field of information and communication technology in recent years and many foreign firms have shown interest in cooperation with Iranian companies in ICT.


تعداد بازدید : 643
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