
Turkish Trade Delegation in Iran to Discuss Mutual Cooperation

Turkish Trade Delegation in Iran to Discuss Mutual Cooperation

Turkish Trade Delegation in Iran to Discuss Mutual Cooperation

"This is the second visit of the Turkish delegation to Iran to discuss ways to develop mutual trade and economic ties," Senior Iranian trade official Reyhaneh Haqiqi said on Monday after meeting the Turkish delegation in the city of Karaj near Tehran.

Haqiqi said that holding bilateral expert meetings between merchants and businessmen of Alborz province and Turkish resort city of Antalya as well as touring industrial units in the province top the Turkish delegation's agenda.

The Turkish delegation consists of officials and experts from industrial units in the fields of construction, interior designing, industrial energy machineries, furniture, tourism, agriculture and greenhouse, as well a real estate, sports complexes (spa), transportation, petrochemical, food and textile.

A number of foreign trade delegations from Ukraine, Bosnia, Italy, France, Croatia, Estonia and Poland have so far travelled to Alborz province to examine the ways for bilateral ties.

Alborz province has about 3,500 big and small production and industrial units and is regarded as one of the industrial hubs in Iran.

In relevant remarks earlier in January, Iranian Trade Minister Mohammad Reza Nematzadeh in separate meetings with Turkish officials in Ankara discussed expansion of economic relations.

Nematzadeh met with Turkish Economy Minister Nihat Zeybekçi who is also co-chairman of Iran-Turkey Joint Economic Commission.

The Iranian and Turkish ministers discussed standards applied by Turkey to certain Iranian export goods as well as expansion of the list of commodities subject to preferential trade agreement between the two neighboring countries.

Presently, a total of 125 Turkish commodities exported to Iran enjoy tariff discount while Turkey is offering discounts on 140 types of Iranian export goods.

Previously, negotiations were held between Tehran and Ankara over adding 40 types of export commodities to the list by each side.


تعداد بازدید : 622
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